About ČRDM

Activities of ČRDM

Besides daily work (advocacy of youth interests, lobbying within institutions, administration, etc.) there are several key areas or projects, on which ČRDM is concentrating:

International activities

European Youth Forum – logoEuropean Youth Forum – Since 2012 ČRDM is a full member of this European-wide umbrella organisation of National Youth Council and International Organisations. ČRDM is involved in the activities of the European Youth Forum, like seminars, projects presentations, meetings and networking (e.g. of newly founded national youth councils in Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans).

Participation on seminars in Europe – Representatives of ČRDM take part at many international events and activities, e.g. Youth Events of the European Union Presidency, seminars of the European Youth Forum, Youth Forum EU-Africa, networking seminars, talks with other National Youth Councils within the BBC+ platform of the European Youth Forum, meetings and study visits to partner organisations from abroad.

Bilateral youth exchange with Israel – During one week in the Czech Republic in summer and another one in autumn in Israel, 8 young Czechs and 8 Israelis visit the other country, where they learn about the other country (culture, people, history) and specifics of youth work in different organisations and youth movements. They discuss about historical, as well as current topics and visit interesting and important places like Prague, Terezín, Lidice, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem or Masada. The project was considered successful and it was agreed that it would continue in 2012.

Other international activities – ČRDM is also active in organising international youth exchanges, seminars and trainigs (e.g. “Participate in the structured dialogue!” in November 2012), takes part at events and activities of its international partners (Co-ordinating Centre of Czech-German Youth Exchanges Tandem, National Youth Councils in neighbour countries), in dealings regarding youth field within the V4 countries and cooperates with other youth policy actors mainly in European context.

Support to children and youth associations

In ČRDM’s Office qualified employees and volunteers devoted their time and skills to the service and support of member organizations.

Insurance – Insurance belongs among the basic services that ČRDM provides to its member associations to give them the safe footing they need to work independently with children and youth. ČRDM arranges and administeres accident, third-party-liability and travel insurance for children and youth associations thanks to the government grant from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
